"The Daughter of Eve Unfallen" Mary in the Theology and Spirituality of John Henry Newman

"The Daughter of Eve Unfallen" Mary in the Theology and Spirituality of John Henry Newman

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Focuses on Mary’s co-operation in the work of salvation, with particular attention to what Cardinal Newman has to say on her role of mediation in her Son’s redemptive sacrifice, using his writing and theological principles to help us see he best – the truly traditional way – of both understanding and using these titles. A reference point for all who will in the future write on the subject of Our Lady, especially on her co-operation in the work of redemption. John Henry Newman, (1801-1890) was a Roman Catholic priest and cardinal, a convert from Anglicanism in October 1845. In his early life, he was a major figure in the Oxford Movement to bring the Church of England back to its Catholic roots. Eventually his studies in history persuaded him to become a Roman Catholic. Both before and after becoming a Roman Catholic, he wrote influential books, including Via Media, Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine (1845), Apologia Pro Vita Sua (1865-66) and the Grammar of Assent (1870). He was beatified by Pope Benedict XVI in 2010. The Rev. Nicholas L. Gregoris holds degrees from the Pontifical Gregorian University and the Pontifical Theological Faculty of the Marianum in Rome.

Additional Information

Author Nicholas L Gregoris
ISBN / Code 9780970402271
Format Paperback
Pages / Minutes 652
Publisher Newman House Press