In Praise of the Tridentine Mass and of Latin, Language of the Church

In Praise of the Tridentine Mass and of Latin, Language of the Church

  • $29.50

In this new work, Roberto Spataro shows how Pope Francis’s call for “joyful evangelisation” finds a ready answer in an unlikely place: the august forms of the ancient Latin liturgy and the unchanging character of the Latin language. He shows how Latin, with its concise formulae and rigourous precision, has been the medium of Catholic—and indeed Western—intellectual life in the past and retains the power to bring unity and coherence to Catholicism in the future. With colourful images and copious examples, Spataro argues that the Latin Mass and its handmaid, the noble Latin language, which have served missionaries in the most varied and dire circumstances, might again be the most effective tools in the Church’s workshop for reevangelising a fragmented world. In his foreword, Cardinal Burke notes that Latin is the key to an adequate knowledge of Roman Catholic history, liturgy, theology, and canon law. Also included is a detailed introduction by the renowned Latin educator and lexicographer Patrick Owens.

Additional Information

Author Fr Roberto Spataro
ISBN / Code 9781621384618
Format Paperback
Pages / Minutes 123
Publisher Angelico Press