A Child's Rule of Life

A Child's Rule of Life

  • $27.50

“It is not every one that can keep his childhood. Father Benson has, and speaks to children bout the great, big eternal things in a child’s way. The little ones will be delighted to learn these verses by heart, and thus almost unconsciously gain a deep knowledge of Christian doctrine, and a love and habit of Catholic practice. The Rule takes the little child from the moment it awakes…through his morning prayers; going to church; hearing Mass; saying grace; reciting lessons; practising obedience; confessing his sins; receiving Holy Communion; evening prayers, and bed. Round them all Father Benson has put the fragrance of verse that will make them sweet and delightful to the child mind.”

Additional Information

Author Robert Hugh Benson
ISBN / Code 9781930873131
Format Hardback
Pages / Minutes 32
Publisher St Augustine Academy Press