The Seed That Became a Garden: The Story of Saint Marguerite Bourgeoys

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Sr Louise Finn's insightful and delightful book, based on thorough research, tells the story of Saint Marguerite Bougeoys who left her home as a young single woman to join other committed lay persons in new France (present-day Canda). At a time when women religious were cloistered, she dreamed of a new way of being Church. the "seed' that God planted in her heart is now the Congregation of Notre Dame, still flourishing in the U.S, Canada, central America, france, Japan and Africa. Saint Marguerite's remrkable adventure wiull expand your vision of her world-and our own!

Additional Information

Author Louise Finn
ISBN / Code 9780818913877
Format Paperback
Pages / Minutes 84
Publisher St Pauls Publications