Holy Heroes: Sunday Gospel Colouring Book Holy Week through Pentecost

Holy Heroes: Sunday Gospel Colouring Book Holy Week through Pentecost

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The new Holy Heroes Sunday Gospel Colouring Book is here – just in time for Palm Sunday through Pentecost! Bonus pages: Holy Thursday & Good Friday, too! It features vivid and inspiring new illustrations, simple meditations, and brief, beautiful prayers – all uniquely designed to spark children’s imaginations and kindle in them the fire of Love. There’s no better way to make the Gospel readings for Mass come alive and to help your child fall deeper in love with Love Himself, Jesus Christ. Both ingeniously children-friendly and easy on mothers, it’s the perfect gift to hand out on Palm Sunday. Children: Get ready to use every crayon in the book! Mothers and Fathers: Get ready to actually be able to listen to an entire homily! Covers Sunday Mass Gospels from April 14-June 9, 2019.

Additional Information

Author Holy Heroes
ISBN / Code 9781936330836
Format Paperback
Pages / Minutes 32
Publisher Holy Heroes